Accept Jesus As Your Savior

One of these days, each one of us will face eternity. This life on earth does not last forever, and deep inside, we all know that. When we are young, we feel like we can do anything and that we will live forever. However, as we grow older, we all realize that there are many things that we cannot do and that our lives are nearing their end.

Have you ever thought about what will happen to you when this life on earth is over? The Bible is clear that there are only two places where a person can spend eternity. One of those places is called Heaven, and the other is called Hell. If we do nothing and just wait for eternity to claim us, we will find ourselves in that place called Hell. The good news of God’s Word is that God doesn’t want you or I to end up there, and that’s why Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins.

If you would like to be sure you miss Hell and end up in Heaven after you die, there are four things God wants you to know. First, God wants you to know that you are a sinner (Romans 3:10,23). This is true of every man, woman, boy, and girl on earth.

Second, God wants you to know that there is a penalty for sin, which is death in Hell (Romans 5:12). Sin carries with it a penalty that must be paid for. If we have to pay its penalty, we must spend eternity in Hell.

Third, God wants you to know that Jesus died on the cross to pay your penalty (Romans 5:8). God loves you and me so much that He sent His Son Jesus, to die on the cross to pay sin’s penalty for us. That truly is great news!

Fourth, God wants you to know that if you will repent of your sin (turn away from it) and ask Jesus to save you, He will (Romans 10:9-13). Salvation is a free gift of God that He offers to all of us, but it’s not yours until you ask for it!

Why not pray and ask Jesus to forgive you for your sin and to come into your heart and life to be your Savior today? If you ask Him in faith, I know that He will hear you, forgive you, and save you right where you are. If you need help or counsel about this, call the church office at (608) 873-6517, and I would be happy to talk with you.

Pastor Mark Weiss